Sarika Mehta

Drama Inspirational


Sarika Mehta

Drama Inspirational

You Are The Reason For My Identity

You Are The Reason For My Identity

1 min

I was like a blank blackboard until there wasn't any guiding force,

My thoughts were like unshaped empty pots,

Until my Gurus taught what's right and corrected my flaws,

I strolled around without any destination and goal,

Until my mentors gave me a fully proven route to stride on,

My life changed and my personality improved a lot,

It's all because I am fortunate to have parents, teachers and mentors like y'all,

I will never be able to pay off for what you've done for me all along,

I can just pray for that y'all enjoy good health, wealth and cheerful life, all life long,

Because y' all are the reason for my existence and strong identity that I show off.

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