Selina Subba

Drama Inspirational


Selina Subba

Drama Inspirational

Where Being Good Is Bad

Where Being Good Is Bad

1 min

In a World where being good is bad, 

How do I let myself bloom, 

Where kindness is considered a fool's symbol and love as life's doom... 

How do I be what I truly am. 

Is being good really that bad? 

Or is it that others find it to be so hard? 

How do I stop being myself for the sake of surviving, 

How do I be cruel when my heart says be loving. 

This question always haunts me.. 

But I know if I cannot be true to myself

I may survive but never truly live. 

In a

world where being good is bad, 

I have wandered and still found places where the good is needed because of the BAD. 

So, here I am with my head held high;

Being truly what I am with an AIM

To make a difference in this world, 

Where being kind is considered insane... 

If kindness is insane let me be an example of Insanity, 

If being loving is foolish, let me cultivate and spread this foolishness. 

In a world where being good is bad, 

Let me be BAD and spread the GOOD

Let me be the light in someone's Cloud. 

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