Where Are You, Solace?

Where Are You, Solace?

1 min

Where are you, solace?

I looked for you in a moonlit night

On my terrace, surveying the neighborhood

Of sleeping trees and resting houses.

I looked for you in the flowing stream

Of Brahmani that didn’t ever slow

To listen to my woe.

Where are you, solace?

I looked for you before my village deity

At morning and evening prayers

That left my woes unburnt

Right beside the incense sticks burnt.

I looked for you in the idle go


With my bosom friends

As we kept on peeling

The countless layers of our hypocrisy.

Either you’ve deserted me

For some unforgivable act of mine,

Or I’ve distanced myself from you

Naively, in lure of those earthy things

That you can never cohabit with.

As I vow not to disrespect you

And swear must to heed you,

Come over please, O solace!

Take me into your sweet embrace,

So, I can feel your presence

In each of my deep breaths.

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