Wait Only Till
Wait Only Till

Wait only till
You gather the strength
To make tough choices,
That you always knew were right
But could not dare
Cos' you were afraid it might
Mean the end of happiness
As you have known
But trust this, its far more
preferable to be alone
There can be no greater loneliness
Than being with someone
Whose presence is an illusion
A love you have outgrown
You will realise in due course
Love doesn't last long on leftovers
Your absence now
Makes me wonder how
I sp
ent so long in vain
Afraid of hurt and pain
While in my life, your very presence
Itself was a token, a mere pretense
I always felt in this lifetime
It would be impossible to get over you
But the fact was that
It was never you as I knew
You were merely a projection
Of my fantasies, an embodiment
To my dreams and ideals
You are so very different
Almost at the opposite end of the spectrum
Of my expectation
No, it was not hard, to get over you
The struggle was only to get over my delusion