shruti chowdhary

Drama Action Inspirational


shruti chowdhary

Drama Action Inspirational

Undefinable Bond

Undefinable Bond

2 mins

I will never be truly alone, and

I'll always have a place to call home 

I have people who know the real me,

And they still; love me even if we disagree

Though sometimes we may fuss and fight

 In the end, everything will be all right.

No matter how fussy and silly you act

to forgive each other is what we adept

It is not only limited to blood relations

but for anyone your heart feels pace with

It can be pets or people in your lives

for some, it is a gift by legacy

Whose roots are planted firmly on the ground

You have shoulders to cry upon

You have someone to wait for you

Someone you like to share your

Thoughts, feelings, grudges of the day

The trunk of support and protection

is always there for your security

The flowers of a


Blooming in shade and shine

Waving life with different hues

One of the most supreme relationship

With no price tag, or expiry date

We see through their eyes

The real face of life

A strong foundation cemented

With love, respect, care and understanding

Feeling of oneness and togetherness

To Catch your dreams

beyond space and boundaries

Longing for a pat, a peck or a slap

It is all around the globe

Like an invisible air

Relationship like that of a ‘spider web’

Delicate but connected strongly

Even if it breaks, can be woven again

So long there is love, trust and honesty

I hope by now you might have guessed

Clearly my straight talk about relationship

Above all, it’s my family, your family and

Anyone else’s family

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