Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Tragedy Classics Inspirational


Vadiraja Mysore Srinivasa

Tragedy Classics Inspirational

The War Within

The War Within

2 mins

When modern war machines starts spewing venomous fire

To destroy the civilians and an organized society in a far, faraway nation

Sitting in the cocoon comforts of my house with warm clothes and uneaten

Food and hot cup of tea on the table, how could I understand and 

Do something to the hurting humans?

When rich and powerful capable nations are biding their time and allowing

Woman and children being killed like rats and their homes destroyed by the

Bombs and bullets hurled by the maniac who, pretending to be a

Powerful man, is in reality just an insecure coward!

Meetings after meetings and sanctions after sanctions by nations

And others, sitting on the fence fearing the after math

of a decision

Can hardly compensate the mother who has lost her child in the falling debris

Or the single mother struggling to save her only child from the piercing bullets

While finding a safe space to eke out a living

Or the old men and women whose cherished land which they call their own

Lies shattered and beyond repair,

What could I, a hapless human sitting and staring at my blank computer screen do?

Perhaps use my only weapon and put my thoughts and express my anguish and anger but most importantly, pray

That sanity would prevail before the annihilation of an elected democracy

And few roofs will be left for the remaining Ukrainian to once again hold their head high and say it is my home!

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