The Umbrella Protection
The Umbrella Protection

When I stayed with my parents
Every guiding word appeared like correction
Every concern looked like interference
And every help like a burden.
And I always wanted to be free
Free to do things my way
Free to live as I want
Free to be my boss all the time.
And my wish was fulfilled
When I joined college and stayed in a hostel
Life was awesome blissful
With all friends around and no one to check.
Partying the whole night
And alcohol became the right choice
Little did I realize
Where I was drifting off.
That was the time my test was online
That was the time when I have to choose
Between the moral, my parents imprinted
And desire that has just now bloomed.
Tug-of-war was roll
ing within my brain
Which consents to stick to lessons
While the lust is aggressive to snatch
What it has just now smelled.
I don't want to miss the beauty in my eyes
Nor do I wish to give up on what I learned
So what is right I do not know
And that was the time I realized, how my parents encompassed us.
For every though time
They had a solution fine
For every backslide
They had a stair to climb.
Out of their years of experience
They spoke to us with such concern
So that in time to come when I face the situation
I fear not but climb up right in their light.
Today is the day, I realize
There is no match for parents
Who cares always despite how we are
Because they know we need them always.