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The Power Of Prayer

The Power Of Prayer

3 mins

With a question on her lips, an arch on her brows,

And her tiny hands and feet, into the kitchen, she tiptoes;

Seeing her mother adding final touches to the supper,

Draws her attention by banging spoons and plates together.

All of seven, fresh as a flower,

Pihu wants to know from her mother;

Who is God; is it He or a She?

Is He seated high up in the skies, or down here next to me?

The mother responds with a smile, as if on instinct,

Thinking hard all the time, how to make it simple and succinct;

Intertwines her fingers with her daughters’

And leads her to their abode of peace and prayer.

Bringing their hands together and eyes closed in fervour,

They embark on the path of grasping the energy, strong and superior.

Enlightening her daughter, the mother’s voice rose,

Come, lets discover the force guiding and guarding this Cosmos.

The universal force, free of colour or class, radiates peace and joy,

Is not to be branded only as a He or a She, for it embraces everyone, be it a girl or a boy

Bear in mind, if only you share your smiles with God, and stop by to sign few hymns each day,

Will He/She remember to bring you moments of harmony and peace, and keep troubles at bay.

Just as you share your chocolates and cookies with your buddies,

So, should you let the Lord stake a claim in your possessions, be it in your hands or the heart

Those who think of God only in times of pain, loss, or agony,

May often see themselves standing at the tail end of his generosity.

You often voice your concerns, or whisper little secrets to your best friend,

Make God your ally and confidante, tell him what you fear and see your worries end;

Whenever you desire to scale new peaks, or step beyond your comfort zone,

Reach out for guidance, motivation and courage, and ask the Lord to be your back bone.

The other day, when you returned from school, dejected and forlorn,

You revealed about your fight with a classmate over a packet of popcorn;

So, when you err, or hurt or harm a close loved one, bare it to God,

Seek forgiveness, and learn the art of compassion and see your guilt erode.

Every morning when you rise, and every night before you fall asleep,

Say a prayer, and ask the Lord to show you his mercy and protect you from every peril.

Remember, we as humans, cross paths and through the journey of life, build bonds

Yet, one constant force controls every moment and binds us in a single cord.

Listening to her mother with deep intent and piety,

Pihu now saw her friend, confidante, motivator and protector, all in the Almighty;

While honesty, integrity and love could take her closer to the Lord,

Being selfish, cruel or arrogant could drive Him/Her away from this world.

Sharing her newfound wisdom, Pihu became a new mentor for her pals,

Taught them to revere the Force at every place of worship, and overcome all their trials;

Said she to them, “The more we beseech the Lord to shower upon us, His/Her benevolence,

The more we respect that Force present in every living or inanimate existence;

Seeking Godliness within the deepest recesses of our hearts,

Will help us see our doubt, guilt, anguish and grief depart

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