Hi there !
Somu had visited Priya's house when she was not there. He found bloodstains in her shirt while he se... Somu had visited Priya's house when she was not there. He found bloodstains in h...
Rahul was excited. He was going to the selection of his job. Rahul was excited. He was going to the selection of his job.
Soldiers are great. This story has created imaginary names for soldiers. Their spirit of nationali... Soldiers are great. This story has created imaginary names for soldiers. Their...
Ayush was pleased and now saw the difference between the game which made him relax and the other gam... Ayush was pleased and now saw the difference between the game which made him rel...
She missed Paul. Why did she scold him? She missed Paul. Why did she scold him?
Choose the right decision, BELIEVE in yourself... Choose the right decision, BELIEVE in yourself...