The Old Man and The Cigarette!
The Old Man and The Cigarette!

An old man, in our lane,
Lives alone in his Deserted Home!
Always smoking the cigarette,
Dissolved in his own world;
His long grown silver hairs
And his Dried-Sightless-Thirsty eyes
Are trying to fulfill his unfulfilled
Burning Desire!
The day, he returned
Cremating of his better-half,
He sobbed within all alone;
With no shoulder to weep upon
And no ear to listen the wail!
He crushed himself,
Into the darkness of his gloomy room!
And started to smoke the cigarettes,
One after the another!
The kindled fire of his cigarette
Burnt not only the tobacco,
Instead, his dreams, his hopes
And his unfulfilled desire!
The puffs he smoked out,
Tried to console himself;
The smoke he saw from cigarette,
Was similar to the smoke
Which spoke from his dear's pyre!
The dew sprinkled on the meadows
And the birds chirped sweetly...
But, the shrunken Oldman
Kept worrying about his dready plight!
Unknowingly, the fire of the cigarette
Also burned something secretly;
The voidness in his days
And gave him shoulders to weep upon;
For, his lovely offsprings had
Settled seven seas away from him
With their partners and offsprings;
And Old Man had to aggravate
The rest of his wounded days, all alone!
Listen, Sister, your in-laws are the dear parents of your partner;
So, let not your partners leave your in-laws mauled and despair!
For, no matter how well you treasurize or how high you teach,
But, the foetus of your wombs are watching you. So, be aware!