Madhurima Sumant Asthana

Drama Tragedy Others


Madhurima Sumant Asthana

Drama Tragedy Others

The Broken Heart

The Broken Heart

1 min

She didn’t sing anymore or dance anymore.

She didn’t speak much of love anymore.

She didn’t smile or her eyes didn’t twinkle anymore

Slowly she was becoming quiet

Keeping the giant storm inside.

And in the season of love was her last goodbye

She was never seen around anymore.

People say give it a chance

Not once not twice she gave no chance

But at last, she surrendered and just walked away

She just vanished like the clouds does after rain

Oh pity! her heart was full of grief

She remembered the things that she couldn’t achieve

She was a strong girl but was now tired of fighting

She stopped finding faults in others

Rather she underestimated herself

And to cut short all people who came into her life were insane

Who put all her efforts in vain

So she bid her last goodbye

And rested in peace forever

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