Aditi Dhopesh

Inspirational Drama Children Stories


Aditi Dhopesh

Inspirational Drama Children Stories

Tell The Fairy Tales

Tell The Fairy Tales

1 min

We’re tired of Cinderella

Losing her shoe,

She does not have to be home early

Or wear only blue.

Let’s tell her to fight against the injustice

Her step-mother’s doing since birth,

And thank the fairy godmother

To make her realize her own worth.

Can someone tell Snow White

Not to trust all people,

Don't enter into a house of strangers

Or just eat a poisoned apple.

Also, tell her stepmom

That she’s pretty too

She doesn’t need the mirror’s assurance

And ‘fairness is beauty’ is just a taboo.

Listen Rapunzel, you’re

always gorgeous

And let us all make it clear-

Neither should long hair set beauty standards

Nor should short hair mean that it’s hideous.

Let us tell her kidnapper Mother Gothel,

To get off that insecurity

Tell her aging is natural,

Wrinkles cannot ever fade your beauty.

They are more than just bedtime stories

They all teach a lesson

Quite hidden between beauty standards

And unnoticed among gender stereotypes.

We have had enough fantasies

And happily-ever-afters

It is time to learn from these fairy tales

And empower many more females!

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