Mr Anthony

Classics Fantasy


Mr Anthony

Classics Fantasy

Swift In The Hour

Swift In The Hour

1 min

The day I remember I am going to die someday

Is the day I will remember when I was born,

Just that I don't want it to be horrific at first

I want it to be like lullaby near the crib.

As a baby boy I want to make a difference,

Dwelling in the past can do more harm than good.

I don't want my death to be heinous

After all am at peace with my Spirit-spirit,

I just want to be lying beside my begot

Telling them am home where am aren't rejected.

Tale is being told

Memories we can never forget,

The man is at rest, with angels obstructing his views,

Life is an auspicious treasure we hold dear,

It can be blessings to the world or curse to the unborn.

Generation to generation it could be historic.

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