Sonali Ghosh

Abstract Drama Tragedy


Sonali Ghosh

Abstract Drama Tragedy



2 mins

I don’t know if anyone noticed but

Suffering has been a part of the race.

Pain has been on the scale of judgment.

Don’t look far just read the scarred face.

Why do we fools divide our bodies, mind, and soul?

Doesn’t suffering travel through the brain

reach its favorite spot of the body,

bully the mind, and torture the soul?

But this isn’t all.

It provokes our physical and mental health

to do the devil dance on death tune.

Cost our hard-earned fragile wealth.

Turn us into a dirty worm soon.

Still, we measure our health less and more.

Contemplate the depth of wounds back and forth.

Don’t we need a helping hand

When our leg is broken

When our bodily strength is shaken.

When our spine refuses to stand tall,

When we puke and fall.

When vision gets d


When bruises and stitches leave marks.

Or is it just about broken heart,

Tortured mind and empty soul?

No… it’s nada!

It’s about all we have inside out.

Suffering is silent as well as loud.

One who gets torn in physical pain

Pushes others in mental pain.

If it is a duty, then don’t superiority let over you.

If a choice, then don’t arrogance let over you.

If love, then don’t expectations let over you.

If a privilege, then don’t pity let over you.

We all are overlapped circles of life and death.

Let’s not look for pride in tragedies faith.

Suffering is our lesson to learn.

Kindness to earn.

Egos to burn.

It is a ride that doesn’t need tracking

Till we drive along.

We all are in it together cause

Nobody is living life alone.

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