Adya Ghoshal



Adya Ghoshal


Struggle Of Life's Journey

Struggle Of Life's Journey

1 min

I wander lonely on a barren land,

No life around me and no sound to hear,

Except for the wind blowing the sand-

Into my eyes.

I wander lonely in the dark,

No stars to see, no feelings to feel,

The broken dreams of mine leave a mark-

Inside my heart.

I wonder if the sun will ever rise,

The cold is too much to bear,

Inside my tired soul a prayer lies-

To sleep endlessly.

Sometimes the mirages with music calm me down,

To the extent I forget t

he reality,

But whenever I try to reach the sound-

It disappears into the sand.

Thirsty and tired I walk and walk,

No destination to reach,

But some unknown hope never lets me stop-

My struggle of life’s journey.

Someday, I believe,

The dawn will come,

And the mirages that I see,

Will get some life,

That one day I will look around-

And smile because I made it through,

But until then-

I must wait to face all the miseries that are due.

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