Sucharita Parija

Abstract Drama


Sucharita Parija

Abstract Drama

Soon On Board

Soon On Board

3 mins

   Gosh! this is not happening again,

      Deja vu moment from past,

      It cannot be true this time.

   I had read it rightly on the board,

    It was scrolling flight statuses.

  The scheduled time was on the dot,

   For the airplane, I was to board.

    My flying was slated on time,

  How can this happen at this hour?

   There is definite chaos going on,

     I rush to my departure gate,

        It is my entry point,

       To reach the aircraft,

  For the long journey, that is overdue.

       Finally, I will be there,

     The journey seems ordinary,

   The feeling is rooted in my heart,

      Yet, I feel super excited,

       Perhaps a bit sad.

     As I advance from here,

 To the most loving place on earth.

  The spot where sunshine meets rain,

    Creating a gigantic rainbow,

   Where all emotions are stored.

   Nothing can displace this area,

   Where love flows like a stream,

     It drenches everyone in it.

    Everybody has a share here,

   Be it of food, wishes, or fabrics.

        My mind runs like a child,

   The thought goes without a purpose.

    As the child races without restrain,

      Wherever his eyes can see,

       And his legs can take him.

      It neither has a destination,

         Nor a beginning


   The last-minute technical glitch,

    Why does it happen to me?

    My travel time stretches,

    It gives me time to unwind.

   However, I am unable to relax,

      My mind is confused,

 I am too impatient to leap from here.

      I want to fly in a bright mood,

        To this lovely settlement,

  Whose interior is stuffed with warmth,

     That radiates magic from outside.

     The place is close to my heart,

      Yet, it is not known to many,

    Since I have not disclosed to any.


         A bizarre thought,

      Emerges from my mind,

    I am anxious thinking over it,

    Barely holding it on transition,

 That was suppressed over the


  An unusual fear creeps into my heart,

     As if hinting of bad nights.

    I wish to board the flight fast,

    A tiny delay may be very late,

  The flight is not ready to take off,

  The staff declared it at the last minute,

    I prefer not to change this flight.

  Furthermore, I wish to take this one,

    To reach my exotic location.

    The place is beyond comparison to any,

     I will wait for this aircraft to take off,

    Neither am I willing to change the flight,

     Nor need to change the destination.

     Lounging in a troubled state,

     I feel thirsty out of the blue.

  Is it nervousness or sheer boredom?

   Not Ideal for my queasy stomach.

     For calming my muddled mind,

        I wish to keep calm.

   My bad, the stress is not giving up,

     Hovering around the corner,

        Of my mind, of course.

       Giving me little imagination,

  To stroke past fleeting clouds of doubt.

     When you are short of time,

      Destiny plays a cruel trick.

     It's a favorite game of Fate,

  To snatch away even the little peace,

   That had settled down in my heart.

  Every passenger is killing their time,

   Either by walking around,

    Or by talking on mobile.

  Some are napping on their seats,

   Others are getting impatient,

  The staff is missing from the place,

   Wise people, avoiding questions.

         I am on board to my haven,

          At the end of my teens,

     Countless memories are left behind.

       Everyone does not sound good,

      Some bitter ones are lurking there,

        Let those linger in the dark.

          I can see the radiance,

        Reaching beyond my vision,

        It's crossing the boundary,

    The smiles are shining on every face.

       I cannot wait to be on board,

            Flying in high spirit,

          With zero expectations,

      The place is awaiting my arrival.


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