It's always a matter of pride and honour,
To belong to a country, born to greatness,
A country ruled by Mughals and British.
Four hundred years of history, of bloodshed,
Yet could not change the course of our,
Rituals, religion, could not convert our
Belief's steeped, in traditional, that ran deep,
Let us be proud of our country, our Gods',
Our way of life, that embraces all faiths,
That you and me, all of us are in understanding,
Of what our great country stands for,
So in great pride and love, I salute my country.
Its freedom, its history, its greatness, its
Love for all,
So when the independence day dawn's on August fifteenth,
We will all be there proudly, to salute our flag and sing our anthem.
For this day, our independence day is the most important day in our lives.