Sunil Sharma

Drama Others


Sunil Sharma

Drama Others



1 min

The CEO woke up with a start at

3'O clock.

The city is still dark and still

He is terrified of the dream

Becoming a regular nightmare

For the man, fat and bald:

The city goes under extreme flood

All roads choked and clogged

His dream city of skyscrapers and

Subways, built by his company called

Central Metropolitan

Authority that

Destroys wetlands and salt pans and forests

With glee, all

In the name of expansion, progress and upward March.

"I see, in the dream, I can forget not: the streets

Regrowing bare stumps on the concrete surface


The stumps that were once green trees and

Nude hills, flattened, erupting again in sand storms

And watery grave for the marooned citizenry

The angry waters guzzling homes and cars

And me, dripping with fresh blood, mud, and slime."

It is grim reaper going by another name, says his old mother.

A death unleashed on others by your brazen disregard

And cold-blooded murder of silent nature

The tree-stumps and dry wetlands have come back

To seek revenge for the brutal annihilation by the

Selfish predators that walk the degraded earth.

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