Into The Past
Into The Past

On that lazy summer afternoon of a Sunday
Adrift in a sea of random events submerged, or
Floating in a nook; the middle-aged copy writer with a
Mumbai ad firm, aided by Mneme worshipped
On Mount Helicon in days long gone by, returns
To the big-format 70s: loud, colourful, fun and enchanting.
The bald and paunchy man re-lives the holidays of early childhood
In the sepia-tinted village, bordering a deep forest, full of mysteries.
A time of the year
When he sang and danced in the fields, swung from the mango trees
Slept on the roof at their paternal grandpa’s place, each moment
A celebration of communal life, with cousins, uncles, aunts; eating oily foo
d cooked on the
Open fires by the women of the big house; swim in the river with the
Big boys of the village, his friends now, and hear tales rivetting
Told by the great grandmother, one-eyed; each evening,
A new tale of valour and sacrifice, opening up lands unique
Time travelling to those misty days beyond the grasp
Of any temporal autocrat, on the wings of a salvaging mind, in the
Flush of creative unspooling of moments, vanished---still a sheer delight!
Now, nothing remains
Except for the dilapidated house, with all the cousins
Scattered abroad
And an occasional strain of a folk song
Resurfacing on lonely urban nights!