Pussy’s Fuzzy Logic
Pussy’s Fuzzy Logic

Miss Pussy, should be named Miss Messy,
For she tosses down the ball of wool,
Swings the dangling rope hangings,
Rolls the ink bottle as if she were a bull!
Straight comes a pencil to hit her back,
Jumps up the Pussy behind the book rack!
Waits for the storm to pass,
Peeps out as naive as an ass!
Splash falls a flower vase,
She just thinks, gone the storm, now it rains!
Quickly she dives down into the pillow,
Landing right on the baby and meows a sweet hello!
Never ever, has she seen an angry bird,
But every house hold has one she has been told,
Panicking Pussy whines as the baby dame,
>Tosses her by her tail, Putting her to shame!
Tragic life she lives, Upsets Miss Pussy,
But puts an angelic face, And curls down sleepy,
Hoping to find Peace, Peace, and Peace…
Peace with herself and peace with the world!
Oh!...She could sense the taste…
Of sweet milk, she never wastes,
Glad with the unexpected delight,
She plunged into the kitchen like a flight!
Had her stomach full and heart’s content,
Miss Pussy smiles my life is so nice...
Whatever be the trials, I’m blessed
Shall never again be stressed…!
Just then hops a mice...
Miss Pussy back to Miss Messy...!