Zephyr Vibes
One kiss from her,
and he started to believe,
in fairy tales,
along with her.
Long Distance...
One Kiss
If my thoughts were given the due credit that they deserve for being "hopeless" as per societal cont... If my thoughts were given the due credit that they deserve for being "hopeless" ...
Our identity of love Our identity of love
Every time it rifted my soul apart Every time it rifted my soul apart
Should I write about my first crush or love? Should I write about my first crush or love?
Home Home
The poem is on poetic inspiration and love. The poem is on poetic inspiration and love.
Rekindling the charm, forever gave you as an alarm. Mornings are better with the sound of your snore... Rekindling the charm, forever gave you as an alarm. Mornings are better with the...
This story has been removed by the author. This story has been removed by the author.
I can hear them spread hate I can hear them spread hate
My speech is over, and you sadly smile. Knowing we’ll both survive, after a while You say you’ll lov... My speech is over, and you sadly smile. Knowing we’ll both survive, after a whil...
I think I am going insane I think I am going insane
What was it that made flowers bloom? What was it that made flowers bloom?
Rekindle the bond Rekindle the bond
Trying to find my love, somewhere down the lane... Trying to find my love, somewhere down the lane...
I am a hunter that you mistook for prey I am a hunter that you mistook for prey
I wish I could caress the horizon! I wish I could caress the horizon!
Often, we find ourselves blinded by love. It makes us weaker and we lose our true selves when we bec... Often, we find ourselves blinded by love. It makes us weaker and we lose our tru...
Embrace uncertainty Embrace uncertainty
Only if you loved me as much i did Only if you loved me as much i did
Truths always begets glory Truths always begets glory