Oh My Soul!!!!

Oh My Soul!!!!

1 min

I am not who I was

I had never known who I am

I'm someone, someone else

Whom I myself failed to check.

I'm the one who was made

By the lord divine long years back.

But I was, that one 

whose soul hath lost

In the dark, the darkest hole.

No, no… I knew not, or I never

Ever aimed to rescue.

But silently surrendered, without much hope,

Without a word of protest,

Without combat,

I allowed it to be lost.

But then thou hast come, strange enoug


Thou come with some astonishing power

To care, to share, to bear

All the handles in the pagan empire.

And thou regain the lost soul

With thy mighty hands, 

Thou win it over.

Thou art the one, who holds within

The patience of most patience,

And I am the one, now standing hither

Ready to lose the soul, once again.

Take it, take it, and give yours to me.

Now I'm standing hither,

The Fortunate of most fortunate

Having the universe in my crown.

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