My Alter Ego
My Alter Ego
In times of desperation
In the times that call for help,
An angel is sent to me
Everytime, from the heaven above..
Kindness, her will
Beauty, her soul
Destined for greatness,
Purity, her fervour.
Unaccustomed Magic.
Was when she happened to me,
Till date its scarcely credible.
My alter ego, I'd call her
My trust on her,
Cognates firmament.
Limitless & interminable.
Oh! How she makes me cock-a-hoop,
And how she powers my zeal,
most blissful person I know,
Lucky will be the man who'll have her.
My best friend she is,
& Forever she'll be,
Our bond , imperishable
Our connection, undefined..
Silent gibberings & virtual hugs,
Minimize the distances between us.
My utmost love,
Reserved for her..
She knows it all, she saw me at my worst
& Everytime i touched rock bottom,
She got me up..
And I realised that she'll forever remain
The angel sent to me ,
From the heaven above.