Mother’s Album
Mother’s Album

My mother kept an album
Full of memories, an album of amalgam
Of old and new all amazing
Life lessons she wished for me to keep embracing
And every now and then
A new keepsake she would append
With a lovely story she would blend
To share with me a moral at the end
With gentle hands and heart
She guided me to become smart
How carefully my actions I must choose
How thoughtfully my path I should choose
Now I am a mother to a daughter too
Have kept a
n album with me too
All memories from my mother’s in there
As mine I keep adding with love and care
My album now has grown into treasure box
Every now and then from it, new music pops
To show me just how much life is wonderful
My life’s jukebox full of lovely memories bountiful
This box of mine shall be my daughter’s one day
To which she shall append her souvenirs to stay
Her jewels that she will collect to form her life stories
To be told to her daughter in form of poetries