Puja Verma



Puja Verma


Me to myself

Me to myself

1 min

In the depths of self-discovery,

I journeyed inward, a soul set free,

To explore the essence that lies within,

Unveiling the truths of who I've been.

Oh, me to myself, a wondrous quest,

A dance of shadows, a lifelong test.

Through the valleys of doubt and fear,

I seek the whispers that draw me near.

I gaze into the mirror of my soul,

Reflecting moments, making me whole.

In flaws and virtues, I find my grace,

Embracing the depths of my inner space.

In solitude's embrace, I find solace,

A sanctuary where my spirit takes notice.

The voices within, they sing and sigh,

Guiding me forward as time passes by.

I celebrate my triumphs, big and small,

Embracing my quirks, one and all.

For in self-acceptance, I find my might,

Unleashing potential, shining bright.

I'm a canvas, painting my own tale,

Brushstrokes of resilience, I prevail.

With each scar and mark that adorns my skin,

I wear them proudly, for they define my kin.

Oh, me to myself, a lifelong bond,

In this eternal dance, we correspond.

Through life's ebbs and flows, we align,

A journey together, forever intertwined.

So let me cherish the soul within,

For it holds the key to the life I've been,

In this tapestry woven with love and strife,

I'll embrace myself, throughout this life.

There, is a poem dedicated to the beauty of self-discovery and embracing oneself. I hope you enjoyed it!

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