
You are the first thing
I think of each morning when I rise
You are the last thing
I think of when I close my eyes
You woke up in the morning
And drenched my heart with love so deep
When I look into your deep eyes
I filled with desires
Every tissue of my clot
Pampers me to tie with you a knot
To step around the holy fire
And exchange promise, that I will admire
Your giggling smile
Make me lively and alive
I feel this enchant of a prayer
That feel in every respire
You"re in each thought I have
You're in each brea
th I take
You are my ambition
You are my inspiration
At the end of the reluctant day
In the darkness, I find myself alone
I find u as the only beacon
I dropped my eyelashes
Find your angelic glimpses
In my dreamland
You are the cinderella
That will make my heart to blend
If its a hallucination
I want to have the last sensations
And stop my air that pushes my heart to beat
An enclave in my ecstasy before I quiet