Vigneshwari Natarajan

Abstract Drama Inspirational


Vigneshwari Natarajan

Abstract Drama Inspirational

Rain (The season of joy)

Rain (The season of joy)

2 mins

As I sit by the window sill and enjoy your presence,

Life suddenly turns out to be calm and composed and expresses some sort of silence.

I close my eyes to respire your fruitful fragrance,

And drift back to the good old days in reminiscence.

Back in those days, you were like an umpire stopping violence,

And wrap us in the melody of your thunder showing that you are back in your governance.

The farmers saw you as a sense of credence,

Who was going to promise them a good harvest and subsistence?

I slowly drift open a corner of the window and watch the flowers dancing to the rhythms of your tunes with a balance.

I, on the other hand, sipping hot tea and biscuits and enjoy your mutual understandings and coherence.

You seem to be a part of me like a quintessence.

Your presence gives me the indulge


Your absence pushes me into divergence.

I neither wear rain boots nor raincoats or even carry an umbrella as I love to experience your elegance.

All other kids around me get a fever by doing so but I don't because you and I carry some sort of correspondence.

Your arrival makes me feel that I have got independence.

But things have changed with you. I sense a huge difference.

Back in those days, you were a sign of tolerance.

But now you're arrival is marked with dominance and turbulence.

You were my acquaintance,

Who helped me pass the depressing stages of my adolescence.

My tears dissolved with your cold drizzles leading to disappearance.

As I sit by the window sill and enjoy your presence,

I wonder why people pollute the earth so much and lead to your absence.

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