Kate Eddy

Drama Others


Kate Eddy

Drama Others

Excessive Complaining is Poison

Excessive Complaining is Poison

2 mins

Over the years I've come across a breeding ground,

In this place, only negative speculation is found,

Topics discussed while vary in persons, place, or thing,

At the end of the day, they all have the same ring.

Never can anyone pass by without hearing irritation,

It's sad that what seems to be held in anticipation,

Are discussions that can only see the damage done,

And each conversation never ends at 1.

As time will pass one thing you'll continue to hear,

Is the lack of any genuine concern or care,

One may be asked how they can ignore,

The trouble of those leaving that'd of been in store 

If you know that those things can't receive support,

As that'll only encourage the wrong to Sally forth,

Then don't be afraid to ask them,

How discussing that topic will make the trouble end

It's not as if ranting or insulting has had a good effect,

So insisting on doing so is an action you must r


Yes, a rotten apple shouldn't be left to stay,

For eventually they'll lead the rest to decay. 

But one must remind them of this important fact,

A problem can not be solved by verbal attack,

When something is wrong or some lose their way,

The only way to help is to pray.

It's cruel to act as if those wrong you can ridicule,

And you shouldn't care if in their eyes this makes you a fool,

As it's foolish for continuing in that pursuit,

Personally, for me, I have never seen it bear good fruit 

Year upon year those closest to me,

Go through each day quite miserably,

And on top of that though they're unaware,

The treatment they may receive on the surface is fair 

But down below the reality is quite bleak,

For I know what it is some truly seek,

Take it from me, the only thing worth thinking about,

Is the hope that one day those lost will figure things out

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