A Brighter Blue
A Brighter Blue

In the music of the poets,
My hands spring to rhythm
And my voice spreads wings touching the lows and high
Like the fleet of arrows, the birds fly
In a niche, in the melancholy of yellow
The green waves pulled by the lunatic wind
Seething with foamy clouds that surround by
In a clear bluish? No, it's a greyish sky.
The ash that has blotted the blue wall above
I wonder where it comes from?
In the golden fields scattered with drops of dew, it's frozen touch
Ruffles you
And you collect the mental mess
The heart just jumps without a clue
Is this a phenomena just happening new?
And has it opened his arms and gulped me in?
Is this an interruption or to go on within?
This erratic mess and enormous thumping
Is it to live by?
They ask how are you? Must be fine.
They don't care if it's a railroad or a hurricane's stride
Life is a compromise they say
Every inconvenience isn't a problem to lay.
Inconvenience isn't making me cry
Neither is it convenience's conversations
Little successes don't fill me with joy, neither does a big pay cheque.
Nor does the travel around the country or a night in my lover's arm<
The sparkle of the pearly moon looms like fatigue in a run
Watching nothing is fun, neither is going to.
I pretend having diagnosed miraculous
I pretend and drink too much
I eat too much and dance too much
And sing and harp like the wasp
My world, my people shake the worry
Having found my poems now rhyme
But inside the heart every muscle flaps like a trapped butterfly
And my head it cant take this again
Having experimented with this jabbing painless pain
I chat with an old old friend, I don't know what he does.
He listens and holds my hand
Doesn't ask me to shut up
Or keep a diary and pen
He simply picks the white napkin and starts scribbling
As I eat my cold sandwich
A number, I believe it's private.
Hitting on me? I asked,
He asked me to call just once
I do it in front of him
He picks up his cell and says
Hello, How may I help you
I don't know, make me a date,
Not a date say appointment instead
Fine, where in this cafe? My friend.
The psychiatrist's chambers, sharp ten
I look at him and he asks me to look at the up and high
The grey has faded and there is a brighter blue sky.