Like A Phoenix
Like A Phoenix
Am I good enough?
Am I worthy?
Will others love me?
Oh, do I look pretty?
My belly looks ugly,
I want to be thin,
My hair is greying,
I hate my double chin.
Am I a good mom?
Am I a good wife?
I want everything perfect,
Perfect home, family and a perfect life.
My house's a mess,
They think I'm not good enough,
But nobody knows my struggles,
Or that my life is tough. ⁷
Doubts, doubts, doubts,
I am full of them,
I don’t believe my inner strength,
Accepting all the condemn.
But I will keep on trying,
The door's not yet shut,
You'll not be a
ble to crack me,
For I am one tough nut.
I will not give up easily,
I will keep the fight,
And in the end, I know,
I will make things right.
No matter what they think of me,
No matter what they gossip,
I’m going to shine in my light,
I will never lose the grip.
I’ll never allow people to judge me,
I won’t let them pull me down,
Why do I seek assurance from others?
I'll still be a queen, without a crown.
Like a phoenix I will rise,
Reach the heavens, soar the sky,
I'll never doubt my worth again,
Without wings, I’m going to fly,
Yes I’m going to fly.