Life Is But A Dream Within Dreams!
Life Is But A Dream Within Dreams!

I saw some pious bearded souls
On horses in a vast desert in a dream
This dessert was the limbo, Burzakh
Or resurrection between death and hereafter
Fifteen days is the distance
From this world to the burzakh.
15 days is the distance from
the burzakh to the next world
Before I saw prime Minister of
Pakistan Imran Khan who wrote
On my forearm, there can be only
the graveyard or the war ground!!
When I asked Adam if I was on the
right path he said: "No!", as expected!!
Then I saw myself walking on an
elated dirt pathway around which there
Were lowered graveyard full of old green
trees reaching to the road of the pathway
But I turned in between a u-turn
And left-back on the better path
Full of gr
een trees shades and people
sitting on sideways, like in a parkway.
I saw a trying-to-be -a-couple, a very
clever woman in a scarf, who was
Trying to impress by her artificial words!!
Before that, I saw full girl preparing
In swimsuit for the beach visit while
myself just in simple attire!!
I saw myself prepared like a bride
waiting alone but inside the mirror
I saw girls known to me as bridesmaids
Who looked like brides themselves
Then another day I saw a bride in red
bridal wear with heavy silver work
Stepped out from the TV soup opera
And walked hurriedly on the corner
Of the two streets in front of me!
I Also saw myself changing the right
Path, going upwards on a rounded
Staircase towards an old British or
Western Byron or knight's room. I saw
My arms very shining like candle dolls...