Khushi Kaul

Romance Classics Fantasy


Khushi Kaul

Romance Classics Fantasy

Let the love flow

Let the love flow

1 min

Loving you to the moon and never back 

Because I don’t want the time to lack,

Just want you to be my back. 

I don’t want to break that floe,

Because I want you to be the reason of my glow.

I have loved you with a pace which was slow.

Indeed! We have let the love flow.

Fighting against all the odds,

And praying together to the god.

Oh! We have let the love flow.

Touching you under the moon,

Fighting with you in the noon,

And promising to meet you soon.

Yup! We have let the love flow.

Despite of all the flaws,

And loving you without any pause.

Yes! We have let the love flow.

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