Lest I Forget
Lest I Forget

Before I forget how to shed tears, Let me cry a sea for mother Earth
Before my tear bank goes dry, And my ink also forced into quarantine.,
Let me scrawl this dirge for posterity to tell her how humanity was besieged by footless foes...
Before I forget how to knock heaven's gate Let me adjure this day for a visa back to yesterday
For reality has dished so much pain
On our pale plates
And tomorrow too isn't wearing a friendly face...
Before crying too becomes an offense, Let me cry a mighty torrent
For our heroes in death row uniforms who stak
ed their lives at the waterfront,
And traded their breath for our borrowed lives
They gallantly stood nose to nose with these unseen forces.
And told death that he wasn't welcomed here
After heaven welcome them with a standing ovation
Let posterity's lips sing them worthy encomiums.
Lest I forget, Corona is still singing and we still haven't stopped dancing
Before the men up there tell us to change our dance steps,
Let me remind them that we have forgotten how to shake ourselves
And that we now sleep with our facemasks on and our sanitizers beside our beds.