The first smell of love
As I sucked nectar
Was divine
The one of a kind feeling ...
Laced with heavenly bliss
Not easy per se to define
The first touch of love
Took my breath away
Just twosome
She and me
No one else was privy
Her trembling fingers
Caressing my contour
Her eyes exuding sparkle
As she held me in fond embrace
I was her bundle of joy
Prized possession
Her accomplishment and exultation
The first glimpse of ecstasy
Engraved in bold
Was her protracted smile
que was the contour
Her decision to bring a new life to earth
Heralded for her
An interesting chapter
The first feel of love..
As I grew up
Made me long for starry night
And I passionately adored
The waning moon in sight
Vying for a crush
A subtle hush hush
Idealized darkness
Some strange earthy feeling
Crept in
And no word could portray
The right meaning
For all the firsts
In my life
I shall remain obliged to Thee
O Lord!
Help me keep going
Shower your blessings on me.