Keep the child within you Alive
Keep the child within you Alive
This li’l girl/boy, that stay within all of us, irrespective of the gender
Refusing to grow–up, wanting only to wonder
Stubborn life circumstance – wants him/her to mature
Naive li’l girl/boy, holding the universe’s hand, wanting only to stay secure
Poised timeless Ocean, upon seeing this lovely girl/boy by the shore
Runs wavily & warily towards her, wanting only to give up being a bore
Untiring waves gang-up with the winds – to play with her/his hair
Li’l child within us – gives up on all the restraint, wanting only to feel – it’s all fair
Magnanimous sea bids goodbye with sea shells
Reminding all of us to never stay in our shells
Unfathomable depth of the sea, holding lively colourful life of aquatic
Tells the li’l girl/boy, within all of us, to dig deep to find the spirit of staying ecstatic