Rathna Nagaraj



Rathna Nagaraj


Twinkling Mother

Twinkling Mother

1 min

She was very happy when he was born

For he was the replica of her beloved one

She had dreamt of him becoming

A society’s welcoming person

Her ambitions had faded away

For he had become a notorious one

Which shocked her and shook her

He never budged for her pleadings

Nor her prayers nor her ritual sacrifices

Returned his status back

Neither the underworld forego him

She cursed her belly for having

Given birth to such an idiot

The virtuous person consoled her

For the well being of the society

She is a namesake, an instrumental one

Bondages are like stage performances

She felt, she realized, she renounced

Freed her ties, let go her relations

Found her path, walked through it

Joined the group of stars in the sky

Giving company to twinkling stars

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