Rathna Nagaraj



Rathna Nagaraj


The Magical Mind

The Magical Mind

1 min

The magical mind

Very delicate and is mind soft mind

 whatever it sees it it feels like it's so abundant and beautiful

The mind is full of colorfully designed flower so innocent is mind 

It doesn't find differences and doesn't sense the crookedness 

The world won't allow any one to live on its own

 the slowly stepping up of 

anguishes and jealousy

 making understanding shouldering responsibility e

The measuring scale of the life lives difficulties had entered the mind the entire thing leading to total confusion


With annoying irritations


The. intolerance of good words and well-wishing words

Reality of life 

the truth realities of mankind being taken oath

The fickle mind is like that of honey bees flying from flow

er to flower with no consistency travelling with no stability in life

Once the lust enters that is it.

 it goes on revolving around it like a torturing vagabond

The personalities of a person is framed right from the born house and the environment in which we live

Peaceful mind is like that of peaceful sea and 

like a flowing river 

with this state mind a person will be of man to man kind

just simply by throwing a stone don't disturb

 our mind is one such 

A peaceful mind will have a peaceful path to travel

Otherwise without existence burdening others or else becoming a topic of a talk town

burden on earth for living 

Kind heartedness 

 tolerance behaviour let it be exist

with everyone 

with not forgetting the hidden sportive spiritual leaders

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