Crime Inspirational Thriller



Crime Inspirational Thriller

"It's Not For Girls"

"It's Not For Girls"

1 min

You say God has divided jobs for men and women.

But why can't I see it then?

Are girls just made to live and die in the kitchen?

While men work and even get recognition.

Though our hard work is better than men's,

Our efforts are never appreciated.

Even history is littered with women's exploitation.

Dowry deaths and sati pratha are the evidence.

Don’t we feel suffocated?

Having no sky to fly in but being expected to reach the limit of it…

By the way, wh

o treats us like humans?

We are regarded as a burden, I ask "Why?"

Society is filled with such orthodox thinking.

When will people understand our feelings?

The entire women's race is suffering because of such prejudices.

Discouragement has filled our lungs...

Now when will we breathe clean air?

That statement “it is not for girls”

Hasn’t it polluted our surroundings?

If we aren't here, could you people live?

I ask the society, "Do you have any answer?"

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