Keep silentIf answer is not presentOr mind feels absent But answer has to be sent Keep silentIf answer is not presentOr mind feels absent But answer has to be sen...
The trust and intimacy reflected in his eyes give the assurance to her ailing soul Yet her insec... The trust and intimacy reflected in his eyes give the assurance to her ailing so...
So never give up. It's your testing time. So never give up. It's your testing time.
Won't let you sleep quietly, won't let you comfortably sit. It will rationalize your t Won't let you sleep quietly, won't let you comfortably sit. It will rationali...
He was in a deadly mood I doubt controlling temper he could He shouted at me," what i He was in a deadly mood I doubt controlling temper he could He shouted at ...
Happy I am in her presence, Her thoughts remind me of her absence... Happy I am in her presence, Her thoughts remind me of her absence...