And also till the human race lasts, this is the real test. And also till the human race lasts, this is the real test.
Let life test us, that was my motto, I believed love can pass Every test life gives, but may not ... Let life test us, that was my motto, I believed love can pass Every test life...
Don't worry if you have failed in a test, Next time you will surely do your best. Don't worry if you have failed in a test, Next time you will surely do your ...
So never give up. It's your testing time. So never give up. It's your testing time.
Everyone looked at each other in dismay Wishing they were anywhere but here Swimming in a sea ... Everyone looked at each other in dismay Wishing they were anywhere but here ...
To the Moon we'll go... Beside each other not in a row... Our hearts are like the moon and the s... To the Moon we'll go... Beside each other not in a row... Our hearts are lik...