Ashna Niazi

Classics Inspirational Others


Ashna Niazi

Classics Inspirational Others

Invest in the beginning

Invest in the beginning

1 min

Even though everything has changed now

Still, the essence of the friendship remains the same. How?

Time lets apart from the beginning where our journey of us started 

No messages, no calls, no meetings now having or we needed 

We have stepped into different phases

Where we have to fight different battles 

Still, we have so much to share on 

But the time the distance the responsibilities don't allow us to carry on 

There are no meetings fo

r months or years we get 

 the understanding, compassion, love and care we had

However, it is anyway the same

Friendship proves that something some people, some bond never changes 

Despite the time and distances

So it is the beginning, it is the ground which you need to work on 

After the particular time invested in the specific bond 

We don't need to do things that we used to thereon

Because you are in a forever kind of friendship zone.

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