My urge for attention,
Sometimes cloud me with suppression,
That perfect click for adulation,
My ultimate reason for depression.
I try every possibility,
But goes in vain nothing left in my repository!
Those long hours of isolation,
That uncluttered wait for the reaction.
That separation from the world,
Search for uniqueness from the herd!
Causing me unbearable strangulation,
Still, my persuasion continues with constant
Beloved no longer required,
Only virtual friends are welcome, everyone
Else makes me tired!
I have silence in their presence,
No efforts from them resemble any reverence!
I am addicted to this virtual reality,
My ambitions have subsided; life has
Become sedentary!
My Insta story capture all my imagination,
I evade company only this ad
diction provides
Not me; many are sailing in the same boat,
Do not blame me, several are wearing the
Same coat!
Relations, nature, friendship, and creativity
All have taken back seat,
Only posts matter, my existence search for their
Validatory treat!
I stopped treasuring inside, only outward appearance
seems celebratory!
My Instagram provides constant solace, parents and
Siblings have become supplementary!
My freedom looks far off with caged feasibility,
I want godly relief, enough of this life adultery!
Youth like me surrendered to this Insta hegemony,
We need a savior inside and outside for very much
Needed harmony!
It is never too late as said by the learned missionary,
Hence, let me take this pledge and free myself from this
Instagram's sanctuary!