Indian Army!
Indian Army!

Beyond the swamps and marshes of Sundarbans,
Beyond the ice cold, freezing streches of Ladakh,
At the sultry coastlines of the peninsula,
Lie the borders of India.
They patrol day and night,
And when the enemy strikes,
They relentlessly fight,
So that we can live as we like.
No holidays for them, no family time
Not even overtime!
No caste, no language, no creed,
Only service at the nation's need.
The protectors of the nation
The martyrs,
Shall always remain in time's station.
When they live, or when they die
They still sing
In a unity perfectly rhymed
Jai Hind,
Vande Mataram,
Sare Jahan se acha,
Or with equal enthusiasm
The National anthem
This is the Indian army,
Even in the toughest of days
They shall always continue their journey,
For freedom, for respect
Maybe someday..