Emerald green
Emerald green

Creating my own space, after a whirlwind phase
Amidst the changing weather, something shifting within
In the spring of the year, green sprinkles its magic everywhere
There was still some drought in my mind somewhere
Finding myself blown in the direction of winds
Searching for the right over the less right which never unwinds
When the drought waiting to be touched by water
Where the soul waiting to be immersed in the green nature
This longingness for peace, and the urge to settle the mind in ease
>After a enduring storm, when I was rightly adjusted to the wrong norm
The emerald green made the grief within tannish
The same green letting the old marks vanish
The changing weather signifying nothing lasts forever
Marking a new start for everyone and the other
Letting the most beautiful tapestry of nature to unveil
Washing away the old footprints that could have once trailed
A new beginning for me, discovering who is real indeed
The commencement of the journey, where I am at my own mercy