Cheesy Muffin

Abstract Others


Cheesy Muffin

Abstract Others

I Love You

I Love You

1 min

I lay on my bed and lookup

I know not of what is to come

Death surrounds me and so does pain

It's hard to keep your head up in so much pain

Not knowing where to go, or what to do

Misunderstanding me, or mocking me

It makes thing easy when you have someone by your side

But there is no one standing with me

Say that you know how it feels, to hate and to love in such a way

Say that you know, even if you don't

Because pain makes you do the thing you don't want to do

Please stand by my side, so I c

an love you

And know that I'm trying, but there is only so much I can do

So even when the rain clouds fill my vision, I'll have someone to grasp on to

So that it isn't as hard as it has been these days

So that things will be better for and for me

And so that we'll both be happy and safe

I love you and you love me

And that is enough for me

Life smashed into me, but I'm hoping that it won't do the same to you

My darling, I wish things would always stay the same

But without change, there would be no butterflies.

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