Shivangi Parashar

Tragedy Inspirational Others


Shivangi Parashar

Tragedy Inspirational Others

I Found Solace In Isolation, But Did You?

I Found Solace In Isolation, But Did You?

2 mins

Lately, everything feels so fake; and why won't it be so? 

It has been a harsh year, I agree; but don't you think it's been a growth year too? It has made me handle the situations I had never thought I could ever get through. I have seen the worst that could happen, and I've learnt to embrace the tiniest moments of bliss. I have seen the breakdown of promises, I've felt the loss of friendships, I've empathised with strangers and inspired myself in beautiful imperfect ways. 

I have sensed the hidden hopes in anxiety, I've heard the cries of depression, watched them screaming helplessly while their lifetime dreams are being shattered!! I still hear all those criticisms and then it makes me wonder- "Was being good never enough?" Well, I don't think so.

I don't really believe it is all just about me. Maybe you read and just can't separate me from thee. It's a mere phase of mine, but aren't you feeling the same? Maybe we're all different, but the souls never carry a name. A special motive to write? No, there isn't; but yes, a sense of relief I can thereby feel.

The year felt like an era~ of broken forevers and parallel infinities, of perished faith and thriving confide

nce, of lost identities and rejuvenating souls.

Sounds funny, right?

Morning stars becoming nightmares☆

It all comes back over and over again.

Just a trigger and BOOM!

I have been through the worst: yes I've learnt a lot but deep inside somewhere, *it still hurts*. 

I'd be lying to yourself if you say it doesn't.

So yeah, I am dripping with overwhelming joy on my face covering the fumes of dark smoke and anguish in my soul.

I've been laughing a little more, smiling takes a lot of my strength:) MY HEART ACHES!

It has been a hell of a journey seeking I don't know what~ maybe peace, maybe comfort, maybe restoration and maybe my own true self.


How Will I Find Peace In This Chaos?

Wait! Does it really matter?

for once, can't we just skip to the moment we were feeling alive within ourselves, with absolutely no interference from others!?

In that single moment, that precious moment, we were happy for our own self ~ that was the real us!

Now the question is, "Did you find what you sought?" 

I say yes. 

I found solace in the isolation

I found my peace within myself, but did you?

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