Anaaya Mone

Drama Tragedy


Anaaya Mone

Drama Tragedy

A Sip Of Forbidden

A Sip Of Forbidden

2 mins


The glasses clinked in sync with the laughter,

As the seated creatures made talk and chat,

All their sense and sensibility drifted away,

As it burned their throats, amused on the table, they sat.

With doltish babels, conceptual politics,

They drank their gloom and melancholy away, 

Till they stretched into a meagre oblivion,

Till they saw only queer hues of black and grey.

Dare not try to touch the deadly essence,

To a lower fall than them you'll go,

When your knees and toes won't carry your weight,

You'll tumble, plummet to the well-furnished floor.

Yearn to savor the bittersweet liquid,

Touch it with your nippy red fingertips,

Feel the warmth going down your skin and lips,

Sole a drop, if not a slurp, swig or sip.

By and by, the venture to relish the peculiar,

Looking thin-eyed, if anyone's on to gawk and gaze,

You let your lips touch the brim, as you down it,

It fills you with warmth, a slight dim haze.

It's not quite the s

urprise you hoped for,

Not like heavenly nectar, but other's perceptions vary much,

It starts to gain on you, like mice and hamster,

Your stomach churns, feel light-headed much.

You burp a sound, and itch when you see,

All eyes falling on you, as they glare,

And gape and goggle, clearing their throats,

When you gulp, and look at the clutched item, stare.

Slowly, their looks divert, but they watch you,

With the corner of their eyes, those biased dimwits,

They judge your shameful actions, but do no different,

A sip of forbidden, as they call it.

Dated: 19th September, 2021.

Hello, fellow readers!

On the occasion of National Wine Day that occurred two days ago, I share with you all this poem based on one of my own vivid experiences. This is the first thing I posted once I arrived onto this website and I hope to keep amusing you all with such content. This poem is on level-five, and I must warn you, that my writing journey started from level-zero. Brace yourself for any level-zero content for that will be my most amateur work ; )

Adieu for now!

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