I Cry

I Cry

1 min

I cry  


Mon had you been alive

And lived

Near me

I could have felt so free


How do I feel today?

Lonely and alone to stay

Even I too have moved ahead

But not those golden days since you are dead


I used to rush

And pushed

You to the wall

And stalled for the moment


Where to reveal?

I really feel

I feel orphaned

Since then I have phoned

to no one  


Mom, you were source of delight

My inspiration and beam of light

I could see lots of movement

But could not judge at that moment


I must say” my mom was special”

Very kind and considerate individual

Why did you go away so soon?

I feel that memory when you were feeding with spoon  


Mom, I cry today even

When I look towards sun

I dream of heaven where you are now

And request god to send back right now


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