I Am A Rapist
I Am A Rapist
I am a rapist when my mother says the boys want to touch at the back or between the thigh,
I say why anyone wants to touch me, especially me.
I am a rapist when I alone travel by bus, taxi, or auto at night.
I am a rapist when I talk to the boys and giggle.
I am a rapist, when I wear a short dress, saree, or a suit.
I am a rapist, when I think I am strong enough to fight from a rape.
I am a rapist, when I think if I get rape there is someone who helped me, Especially me.
I am a rapist
ql-align-center"> I am a rapist
No, no, no, no, no
I am not a rapist
The rapists are who think that
I am a rapist......