Hypocrisy - On the dark side
Hypocrisy - On the dark side

Religion is all about peace, love and acceptance, they said,
until they shunned her for being gay.
Come out of your shell, speak to everyone, they said,
until they mocked her beliefs and insulted her for saying atrocious words.
Life is all about having hope, they said,
before they called her a hopeless, stupid and aimless girl.
Be yourself. Don't put on a facade, they said,
until the guests came in and she saw them putting on masks.
"Oh, she's a smart, confident girl."
"You reckless, stupid, good-for-nothing girl."
"Oh she has great goals and aspirations."
"Why can't you be normal and decide what you want to do with your life for a change?"
"A spectacular daughter!"
"An ever-sulking girl."
"A peaceful, level-headed student."
"A pathe
tic, vexatious, mental girl."
Life was unfair, for all she got to see,
were her inner, unfortunate qualities.
Nothing but darkness and repetitive thoughts,
of breaking glass and cutting her fingers off.
To her, life was a meaningless, never-ending well,
that once one fell into, could never come out of again.
Her friends were but hallucinations.
Her voice drained out by the voices in her head.
Almost gone "completely crazy",
Until one day she almost slit her throat.
Her parents came in just in time,
But by then she was already dead inside.
The doctor didn't do the best he could,
For he knew that depression to this extent was untreatable.
She lived a lie the rest of her life
Until one day her thoughts killed her from the outside.